DeMoN Container Rings

enamel on copper, copper 1.75”x1.75”x1.25”

The Default Mode Network (DMN) is called “the demon of ADHD” by Dr. Edward Hallowell, a leading authority on the subject. He explains that distinct areas of the brain show elevated metabolic activity when the brain is not engaged in a task that requires focus. There is another network of the brain named the Task Positive Network (TPN). This network is active when the brain is engaged in a task that requires conscious attention. As one network increases in activity, the other usually declines. In people who have ADHD the DMN remains active while the TPN is active. He adds, ”This competition provides a neurological explanation for what those of us who have ADHD feel so often — a persistent, magnetic pull away from the task at hand into distraction. When we are under the influence of the DMN, we ruminate.”

I ruminate often, probably all the time. I’m so used to it I often fail to notice. It can be a blessing and a curse. These demons keep me from sleep at night and wake me in the morning. They distract and frustrate me, yet also entertain me and are valuable to my creative process. I made these canisters to help contain my demons. I left a hole in the center so a few can escape.